A Lake in Crisis

Two years ago, residents around Annapurna Lake in Indore woke up to a tragic sight—thousands of dead fish floating on the lake’s surface. A once-thriving waterbody had turned into a contaminated pool, emitting a foul stench. The cause? Years of pollution from sewage inlets, ritual waste, and unchecked growth of invasive species. These pollutants triggered oxygen depletion, leading to a mass fish die-off overnight.

Clean-Water’s Intervention

Determined to restore the lake, Clean-Water took on the challenge with support from IIT Kanpur and IIT Ropar. The approach combined multiple nature-based solutions to rejuvenate the waterbody sustainably:

Within months, the transformation was evident. The water quality improved to near-drinking standards, verified by NABL-accredited labs. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels reached 6.7 mg/L, creating a healthier environment for aquatic life.

Innovation: Solar-Powered Lotus Aerator

One of the most remarkable additions to Annapurna Lake was the installation of the Lotus-Shaped Solar-Powered Aerator. This aerator, featuring an 18-panel solar array, enhanced oxygenation while adding an aesthetic touch to the lake. It became a symbol of sustainable innovation, blending technology with nature.

Beyond Restoration: Long-Term Sustainability

Clean-Water’s efforts went beyond improving water quality. To prevent future degradation, several measures were implemented:

A Thriving Ecosystem Once Again

Today, Annapurna Lake is a model for successful lake rejuvenation. With improved water quality, aquatic biodiversity has returned, including fish and bird populations that had vanished. The lake now serves as a recreational and ecological hub for the community, proving that with the right interventions, even severely polluted waterbodies can be revived.

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